There are many popular breath work and pranayama practices to increase energy, burn fat, increate immunity, and I teach many of these. I want to start off by teaching you the most important breath we can learn to help fight disease, keep us fully charged, and keep our nervous and hormonal systems in balance. I call this the “all day breath.”

Most of us are living a stressful life over run by heavy loads of coffee and stressful situations keeping us in a state of fight or flight. These states are closely related to a state of fear. When making a decision based on fear it is very different that if we were in a state of love and balance.

The nose knows.

There is so much more the nose is doing than most of us realize. It is filtering the air of pollutants , warming, moistening the air and so much more…



When we breathe fast we are not giving the lungs the proper amount of time to absorb all the necessary energy and molecules from the air. By breathing slower, even when exerting ourselves in high intensity workouts, we are charging the body more efficiently. I know, sounds crazy, but watch the video, I do explain.


The belly.

Your diaphragm is more important than you think. Especially if you want to live a long happy life. Get more life force from the air by increasing the amount of air you can take in on a single breath. This will also increase the detoxification of the blood, sports performance, and creativity.



The balanced breath is just the beginning. I do believe that if you practice this breath throughout the day it will improve your life. If you can become aware of your breathing it is going to bring you into the present moment and into a calmer cooler state.

In my daily practice, I’m calling “Modern Pranayama,” I have combined the latest science with ancient knowledge to develop one of the most profound breath work practices so you make the most of your time. I incorporate knowledge from Wim Hof, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Deepak Chopra, Dan Brule, Swami Rama, and many more... I have been studying qi gong, yoga, tai chi, boxing, kickboxing, jiujitsu, pranayama, and meditation for most of my life. I have also been a successful artist for over 22 years. The breath work and yoga practices I will be sharing with you are the perfect supplement to a creative and high performance lifestyle, and I am always looking for new ways of perfecting and modifying it. Join my daily practices and you will develop deeper levels of presence, focus, creativity, and be able to work longer and harder than any high performance person out there. If you combine the practices I have developed with discipline and consistency, you can and will achieve the productive life you are seeking.

For only $33.00/per month

you will get UNLIMITED access to my live daily breath work and mind body practices.